First Visit: What to Expect from Your Chiropractor

Neck and back pain are amongst the common chiropractic problems you may experience. Though not limited to just those pains; headaches, whiplash, or other auto accident related problems are all difficult and sometimes too much to deal with on your own. Reach out to a professional chiropractor and at the very least they will diagnose your condition and tell you if your problem needs serious treatment. To make the most of it, you ought to know what to expect from your first chiropractic visit.

Consultation and Initial Interview

Sometimes your chiropractor will arrange an initial interview to brief you on the procedure. You may have to provide some background information about the discomfort you’re feeling.

Some of the questions during a consultation will include:

  1. When did you first experience discomfort?
  2. Where is the location of the discomfort?
  3. What is the severity of your pain on a scale of 1 to 10?
  4. Was the pain a result of an accident or injury?

Requirements for Your First Chiropractic Visit

Before your first visit, be prepared to share some medical records or information on any underlying conditions, past injuries, and reason for your visit.

Some of the personal documents your chiropractor may ask for include your driver’s license, insurance card, and patient forms. Your practitioner will request medical files regarding your current health condition. That may include X-rays from a healthcare provider that provided diagnosis and treatment in the past.

Expect Thorough Chiropractic Examination

The purpose of the consultation is to establish the severity and state of your health. Once that is complete, the next step is to conduct a physical exam.

A neck pain chiropractor in Jonesboro like Chiropractic Plus will test your muscles for reflexes, range of motion, and strength. It is advisable to wear loose clothing, preferably with no jewelry, before the visit.

Diagnosis and Treatment during the First visit

While not all Chiropractors are able to treat you on your first day in. Your practitioner will ask you to lie on a specialized table for what is known as an adjustment.

Spinal manipulation is one of the treatment options for back, neck, and various joint conditions. It involves the application of soft and fast thrust to restore the function of the muscles and joints.

Other treatment modalities like spinal mobilization and stretching may be necessary to strengthen muscles. You will often have to see your chiropractor for several weeks after the initial appointment.


After a car crash, it is always advisable to see a chiropractor, better yet an auto accident chiropractor in Jonesboro. Patient education is an essential part of the follow-up sessions. Your chiropractor may suggest exercises that you can complete at home. The chiropractor can address any discomfort or symptoms that may emerge after the first visit. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call today!


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